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Topic: How to Start with NG2G App (Read 100 times)

How to Start with NG2G App

First time here? Welcome.

Here's how to start on your journey to wealth and riches with NG2G App. Please read everything below carefully:

What is NG2G App All About?

NG2G App is a learning platform where you can learn many different ways of making money and empowering yourself. There are numerous free video tutorials on many different ways of making money online and offline.

But the main focus, though, is making money online.

The app is primarily targeted at Nigerians for now but anybody from any country worldwide can also make money with most of the things being taught in the app so everybody from every country is welcome to join.

Where to Start From?

- If this is your first time and you are new on the app, first go through the free 7 day introductory course on making money online.

- You can access this free course by clicking here or checking the "Introduction to Online Business" section.

- There are also introductory tutorials on many other ways of making money both online and offline available so after going through the 7 day course,, browse through the various other courses and Boards on the App to find what interests you.

- Click the menu button (the three horizontal lines) in the top left hand corner of the app to reveal the MAIN menu. You can also slide from the left edge of the screen towards the right to reveal the MAIN menu

- Scroll through the menu to see the main tutorial sections available. You will find even more tutorials by exploring the various sections and sub sections of the Forum.

How to Search for Information

- To search for specific information, use the search link in the main menu (the main menu is opened with the top left three lines) and not the one in the sub menu (the sub menu is opened with the three dots on the top right corner of the app).

- The search link in the MAIN menu searches the entire forum while the one in the sub menu searches only the current page that you are viewing.

Important Things to note about NG2G App:

- You must be a registered member and logged in before you can reply to posts or create your own topics or posts.

- There are different levels of membership which gives you access to different areas of the forum.

- There are also full online courses which are not free and meant for those who want to go deeper into certain areas of knowledge.

- You need to be online to access most sections of the app.

- Whenever you click on any link in the App, please be patient because the app can be a little bit slow to open pages because it loads pages from the forum website so it can take a few seconds to open. This will be faster or slower depending on your network speed.

- You can also access the NG2G platform directly on the web without the app through a browser on desktop or mobile. Just go to

- Sections of the forum are also known as Boards or Sub Boards.

- Many Boards or Sub boards will have a pinned message at the top that says Read this First.

- Always try to read that "Read this first" post first to understand how that board is structured and if there are any other important things that you should know.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.